Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Artful Bra Project

A dear friend sent me a link to :


Members of Quilters of South Carolina have created one-of-a-kind bras for Breast Cancer Awareness. The exhibit consists of forty-nine original works of art which are unique, entertaining, humorous, and beautiful to make the public aware of breast cancer, to memorialize those lost to the disease, and to honor survivors.

PS. On Feb 23, 2010 I have discovered that the above link to the ARTFUL BRA PROJECT no longer works. If anyone know how to connect to the project, please let me know.
Thank you!
Joy Gibat

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New photos

I just received a couple photos from a gentleman who ordered 7 Copper Roses for their 7th Wedding Anniversary, and thought I would share it.
Hi Joy,
We couldn't wait for the 7th so we celebrated our anniversary on Sunday the 4th.
My wife was thrilled. They even smell beautiful.
Thank you again for the beautiful job! "